Corporate Culture

One DRB Daily Innovation Inspiring the World

The 4th revolutionary era requires creative and innovative values that are difficult to be created by individuals. To become a continuously growing enterprise, DRB aims for horizontal organizational cultures in which all members can participate in communication and collaboration, freely and equally.

Leadership for One DRB

DRB operates various communication channels to share its corporate values and directivity with DRB members, and to help them share a fair and just sense of purpose and values with DRB.

DRB Forum
  • Sharing of expert knowledge and information through outside experts or a panel discussion with internal experts, every month
DRB Leadership Day
  • Gathering of the members at the management level together to form a bond of sympathy to establish a horizontal corporate cultures and directivity of each business sector, and to share information among the sectors

Daily Innovation System

DRB is changing its overall mode of work by creating various systems and environments in which the members can act creatively and proactively with autonomy and authority.

Change Agents
  • Arranging Change Agents in each organization/team to enhance the work efficiency through improved practice, process and culture (continuing improvement of the system)
Change Supporters
  • Organizing Change Supporters based on Generation MZ within an organization and thereby increasing the chances for the members to coming across with one another and strengthening the relationship and bond in the organization through interaction with one another, as well as promoting the organizational vitality (stimulating creative culture)
Smart Work
  • An overall change of working mode to speed up the innovation by maximizing the connectivity of the organizations
  • Provision of Smart-ICT Solutions (collaborative work tools, etc.) and co-working space that assist the members to communicate and collaborate with one another, without the restriction of time and space

People Inspiring the World

DRB strives to manage the members’ difficulties in health and overall life to help them concentrate on the job, better.

Healthy Workplace Culture Center
  • Report and resolve workplace misconducts or concerns, such as sexual harassment or bullying
DRB Happymint
  • Counseling service for stress and anxiety : We provide counseling service by professional counselors to support DRB members who are experiencing psychological distress (work-related stress, difficulties in interpersonal relationship either at work or in family, and emotions issues, etc.)
  • Workplace coaching : We provide professional coaching to members who hope to change and improve themselves at work (adaptation to change, relationship/communication, job competency, and self-development, etc.)

DRB’s corporate culture programs are available to all of the DRB affiliates.